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Meet The Classic Colours

Colour is quietly powerful when it comes to emotion. Though the ways we experience colour are nuanced and largely subjective, it’s clear that different shades can evoke in us a wide array of moods, feelings, and memories.

That’s one reason why being in the kitchen might feel so good — your energy slowly begins to kindle as you arrange crimson pomegranates, tiny orange clementines, and pale green pears in a fruit bowl, or calms when you open a fresh box of soft grey sea salt. Perhaps peeling peaches for a double-crust pie fills you with joy; maybe dusting a whole roast chicken with smoked paprika settles your mind and makes you feel grounded. Colour is magnetic and inspiring, and it’s the reason we at WÜSTHOF are excited to expand on our Classic knife series with five beautiful hues that add a subtle pop of colour to your everyday life.

Influenced by our primary muse — preparing and plating delicious meals at home — these five fresh colours are influenced by ingredients from the food world. We’re thrilled to introduce them to you! Please meet: Velvet Oyster, Purple Yam, Coral Peach, Pink Himalayan Salt, and Tasty Sumac. Created to stand alone on your cutting board or to be mixed and matched to your desire, we think these shades are just the thing to infuse your life with a little extra design, feeling, and personality. So — which one do you think feels the most you?

WÜSTHOF Classic Colour Velvet Oyster 8" Chef's Knife

Velvet Oyster

Velvet Oyster is a calming shade that invokes quiet hours foraging in the woods, reading by a cozy fire, or pouring a drink into a favourite glass. Sophisticated and chic, this knife is the ideal modern companion for any and every kitchen task. To really highlight Velvet Oyster’s unique and mature hue, use it to make wild mushroom focaccia, carve a perfectly cooked steak, or slice cured sausages for a charcuterie board.

Meet The WÜSTHOF Classic Colors - Coral Peach

Coral Peach

Coral Peach is the energetic shade you can count on to give food prep a refreshing wake-up. Confident and fun, it’s ideal alongside peak-season fruits and beachside barbecues. This colour is outgoing, warmhearted, and ready to make every slicing and dicing moment a small celebration. Use this vibrant knife to make any of your favourite dishes — it will look especially fresh alongside a homemade peach pie or a tropical fruit salad.

Meet The WÜSTHOF Classic Colors - Purple Yam

Purple Yam

Any way you slice it, Purple Yam loves being its cheerful self. Both youthful and retro, this trendy shade is perfect for getting your creative juices flowing in the kitchen — because what’s better than staying curious and playing around with new recipes? Purple Yam can handle any kitchen job, but this colour is especially happy when it comes to meals boosted by a personal touch: slicing homemade birthday cake (your best friend’s favourite flavour!), making rosettes for that cool apple tart, or trying out new toppings on your go-to toast, porridge, or bowl of rice.

Classic Color in Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt

Subtle, dreamy Pink Himalayan Salt might just bring a smile to your face as you pull out your cutting board and this graceful knife for chopping. This charming, delicate colour is inspired by instrumental music and free mornings dedicated to long, luxurious breakfasts. Use this charming knife for anything, especially the simple-but-special things in life: slicing a sandwich to share, cutting a perfect watermelon, or turning homemade pasta into strands of tagliatelle.

Classic Color Tasty Sumac 8" Chef's Knife

Tasty Sumac

Like a lovely glass of wine, Tasty Sumac has depth and range: it’s at once strong, bold, and soulful. Whether you step into your kitchen to unwind after a long day or to reinvigorate your senses, this deep colour can handle any recipe you dream up. Showcase this beautiful, grounding shade by putting it front and centre during food preparation and plating — it will particularly shine alongside crispy roast chicken, spicy stir fries, and big seasonal salads.

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Meet The WÜSTHOF Classic Colours

Meet The Classic Colours

Influenced by our primary muse, these five fresh Classic Colors are inspired by ingredients from the food world. We’re thrilled to introduce them to you! Please meet: Velvet Oyster, Purple Yam, Coral Peach, Pink Himalayan Salt, and Tasty Sumac.

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